TechWave: A Gartner Podcast for IT Leaders

Privacy Imperatives in the New Age of Data Wealth

Episode Summary

Privacy obligations extend beyond the security team. This podcast discusses the challenges and provides actionable advice that enables executive leaders to boost customer trust and create value through broader, deeper client engagement, purpose limitation, data life cycle governance and privacy UX.

Episode Notes

The challenges of a modern, data-driven enterprise demand modern tools capable of dealing with the volume and, more importantly, the diverse uses of personal data. In addition, the pace at which modern privacy regulations are proposed and adopted has continued to accelerate. This has fueled adoption of privacy technology by organizations looking to standardize a global privacy approach for handling personal data. Privacy-driven trust can serve as a key differentiator when customers are looking for a reason to pick one brand over another in a homogeneous market.

Strategic Planning Assumption

By the end of 2024, three-quarters of the world’s population will have its personal data covered by modern privacy regulations.

Executives seeking a positive balance between the organization’s overall success and corporate reputation should recognize that a mature privacy program is the entire organization’s responsibility. Privacy and data protection officers may take the lead, but CxOs have their respective responsibilities as well. In this podcast, we explore these issues and more.

Host Frances Karamouzis is joined by our expert analyst, Bart Willemsen. Willemsen focuses on privacy-related challenges in an international context, as well as on ethics, digital society, and the intersection with modern technology, including AI.